Above and Beyond

In todays “modern, civilized world of progress”, the character of most human beings is that of laziness, weakness, escapism, lack of discipline, over indulgence and lack of ambition. The young people today are by far the worst ever, my generation (I am 23) is a generation with a “I expect everything but wont put in the work to get” attitude and the “YOLO” (you only live once) attitude as well which is destroying our world, and at that, I mean literally the EARTH herself.

The fruits of “civilization”




Our world is overpopulated with the immoral, the unintelligent, the weak and the down right stupid and those who are not like the above have to suffer for it. The politically incorrect practice of eugenics done by the barbarian kept people like this out of the world.

The true European has no respect for this animal like lifestyle portrayed by the lovely jewish media as “healthy”. I have made a similar post regarding European discipline and id like to continue on that.

I like to live in a way that people will remember my name. Going above and beyond what is expected of me in everything I do. No matter how I feel taking the hard and uphill path first and foremost. Most of us still have to work a job that may be a 9-5 and may not exactly be our ideal job either. I work at butcher shop so I feel I am at least learning something useful. For those of us who are working regardless of where, I would say that we should work in a way in which people will never forget us when we leave. Do not only do what is expected of you and do it right, but do MORE than what is expected of you, and than do even more. Don’t just do your job, but everyone elses job too, and I don’t mean stealing glory or anything like that but going way out of your way to do more than is expected of you. Do your managers job, do the owners job etc. Do not leave until it is as perfect as perfect can possible exist.

And for those who are on our way to living self sufficiently, take the same approach. Live in a way that your family, your kids, your wife and your friends will remember you as the one who went above and beyond to make things right and good. This philosophy of course applies not just to physical labor but mentally as well. Push your mind and body the limit of what you thought you could do. Expose yourself to the worst conditions, the worst circumstances and push to ascend above them. Choose to walk uphill rather than take the easy road. As I once read in one of the thulean perspective posts regarding this subject, the hardest path to the objective is most always the right and proper way to achieve your goal.

In our world everything is done for us, everything is easy and we are nothing but dependent and domesticated animals. The fruits of civilization for you.

I want to talk about rest as well. For those of us who work hard in life, we deserve to have a nice rest, to treat ourselves and be proud of what we do or have done. We have to remember everything in nature is balanced and we must keep that balance.

We can treat ourselves to an occasional non-GMO beer or wine, or to some non-GMO baked goods and so on. We can do this because we deserve it and to keep things in balance. As Hippocrates said ” Anything in excess is opposed to nature”. At the end of your journey or your week or whatever it is you do, take an occasional rest or feast and look back, relax for a moment and be proud of what you do and appreciate the sweeter things you reward yourself with because of your exceptional character.

The true barbarian will look to nature for advice, she will never lead us astray.


To hell with civilization, awaken the barbarian!

Make your ancestors proud, live in a way that would put a smile on their face and do the same for your descendants and all of your kin. Be the stuff of legend!

Hail all that is European!

European Health part 4

I would have written this one awhile ago however, due to drastic environmental changes (moving form south western US to the pacific northwest) I have been quite busy adapting to the changes. Anyways I would like to talk this time about European ideology or really simply put : being European.

Many call it pagan, heathen, odinism etc. However these are either modern names or outside sources of what others called Europeans. For example heathen is a negative term used by Christians to describe us, odinist is a modern name, which I have nothing against, and of course pagan simply means country dweller, which again is not negative in any way. Its actually a very positive thing, our ancestors lived in nature, away from cities and “civilization”

I doubt our ancestors called themselves pagan, they just …..were. It was probably not called anything. To be European is to be pagan. TRULY European.


A beautiful European in the forest.

But id like to address some things first. Many so called Europeans embrace Christianity as their heritage and I cannot for the life of me understand why. This is very common among white nationalists or national socialists, especially ones currently fighting the Islamic invasion of Europe. They seem to think that Christianity is a way to fight the jews and islam. National socialists claim the Hitler’s national Socialism was a pagan movement while others use national socialism as some sort of a social Darwinist theory and than we also have the white Christian nationalists claiming Hitler’s movement was a Christian one (he says this himself in 1929 I believe) and that jesus was some sort of Aryan messiah. As there are many interpretations to this national socialism I don’t embrace it wholly only in the aspect of it not being consistent and of course I have no desire for MODERN politics. But also because there is not much proof of it being a Pagan movement let alone a Pan-European movement. Hitler cared more about Germany as a nation than he did about every European people, this includes his ill thoughts towards Slavs.

More importantly the problem is Judeo-Christianity. These Europeans blow my mind when they embrace this jewish creed. The bible was very clearly written by Semitic peoples, jesus himself is from central asia, the judeo faith has absolutely destroyed, murdered AND OBLITERATED our ancestors and our ancient customs (or twisted them to fit the jewish creed of course, which is the only reason why any European would adopt that jewish filth in the first place). The crucifixion itself was stolen from the ancient symbolic ritual ceremony our ancestors practiced in order to be reborn and make a name for themselves, so why worship jesus? That would be like you worshipping another fellow European initiate for doing the exact same thing you did or have to do, which is the same answer I would give to those saying jesus was European. SO with that being said, Europeans praying to a jewish jesus and god is absolute suicide but yet they think that this is their real ancestral faith! Embracing the religion that basically raped your ancestors is a cowardly stab in the back to your forefathers and mothers. Its complete slavery!

Ahh but we of course have our wicca, new age blah blah garbage anti racist universalist “pagans” as well. These so called pagans literally worship gods, think they actually exist. They basically are practicing cartoon paganism which Christianity portrayed our native culture as. These wiccans are making wands from tree branches thinking that there is literal power in them and going to crystal stores thinking that because the color of a crystal, it means something and will protect you from danger. They are doing rituals that will gain them money and riches and reading tarot cards as if this is what our ancestors did. They also seem to think that anyone no matter their race can practice what our ancestors did so long as they have an interest in “magic”. Many of these “witches” are just hedonistic tramps who will sleep with anyone and to make it worse with one outside of their race (and not for the sake of children either, but for simple base reasons). Many of the men are fat and out of shape and also homosexual, while the wiccans are basically progressive feminists. They do not see our paganism as a racial, cultural identity but something like a hobby or something completely stupid. I denounce them 100%

But back to nationalism. I cannot help but feel that in supporting these movements that I am just feeding into the global jewish elitist agenda. Left and right wing are two wings on the same bird. And as Ive mentioned right wing nationalists are not necessarily pro-all of Europe and support judeo-christianity(while they may be pro-white, they are pro-Christian white) while left wingers are pretty much all controlled by jews. (White guilt exists BECAUSE of Christianity. It is European Christians to blame for some of these accusations of “the evil white man”. It is this jewish creed that first enslaved us. Many of white colonization happened only after Christianity, we all know paganism is not universalism, as Christianity IS. )This disappoints me. In feeding into the race wars going on in America we are basically turning a blind eye to the jewish globalists that are watching with pleasure as we destroy one another. While we kill each other over misinterpreted and misinformed historical facts, the jews just rape our planet and everyone else. These political systems and factions that fight each other are jewish creations and if we continue to feed into them, the more power we give them. White genocide is a real thing, but do you really think the jews care about the blacks? The Asians? NO! The politicians in Sweden and Europe are not only destroying the European people by allowing this migrant crisis, but they are also going to exploit the immigrants for power and control. The real enemy to every race on this planet is central Asian Judaism. These peoples are the result of the Neanderthal- homo sapien mix and have caused nothing but destruction since then. We need to aim our crosshairs where they belong.

Every race on this planet should embrace their racial roots and in seeing that all races are already diverse from the start, they may appreciate their own ancient forefathers and customs. And in doing so, they may allow others to do the same thing, which will encourage non race mixing. They will love their own diversity and not want to spoil it. This of course is wishful thinking.

My point is this : Europeans must embrace their native culture, their pre Christian culture to come alive again. Our paganism is the way to health and the way to truly realize yourself. Not nationalism, not Christianity(which are one and the same, nations are Christian constructs and un-organic entities, OUR RACE IS OUR NATION!)  not all these modern constructs but only European paganism.

I do not wish to IN detail explain what paganism is, simply follow the thulean perspective, read sorcery and religion in ancient Scandinavia, read true European philosophy, shake off the chains of Judaism, and look inside, be yourself! Be a European!

Embrace your European gods and goddesses, look inside and tap into your blood, the truth is their. Hail Europe! Hail Europeans! Hail our gods!
